How Clean Is Your House? 5 Areas Of Your Home Frequently Forgotten

When it comes to cleaning your home, there are multiple prominent places that come to mind. The floors and tables might be the most notable, although there are also the bathrooms and a few other areas.

When asked ‘how clean is your house?’ you might say that it’s quite clean. At first glance, that may be the case. However, even when deep cleaning, there are a few areas that are frequently overlooked. If you utilize house cleaning services in Calgary, or if you’re doing a deep clean of the home yourself, make sure these areas aren’t forgotten.

5 Areas Of Your House That You Probably Forget To Clean

Walls & Ceilings

When thinking about the largest area in the home that needs cleaning, your floors are probably the first thing that comes to mind. While floors are one of the larger areas, they aren’t necessarily the largest. It’s important to remember that the walls and ceilings should be cleaned, as well. Far too often these areas only get cleaned if a stain is found, and even then, the stained area is generally the only spot taken care of. 

More than likely, there’s more dirt, dust, and allergens gathered on the ceilings and walls of your home than you would think. Luckily, cleaning these areas isn’t usually too difficult. It is very time-consuming, however. Plus, you may need extra supplies to clean the higher areas such as the top of the walls and the ceiling. It’s important to make sure that you have cleaning supplies that won’t damage the paint on the walls and ceiling, as well. Due to these factors, many people choose to work with house cleaning services in Calgary for walls and ceilings.

Air Vents

Air vents are an important part of your home’s interior. However, air vents are frequently forgotten when it comes time to clean. The air quality of your home is dependent on air vents, and if you have dirty vents, the air quality suffers. Dirt, dust, allergens, and pollutants can all build up in your air vents, and if not cleaned properly, can eventually make you sick. In worst-case scenarios, too much buildup in the vents can cause a blockage in airflow throughout the house.

Cleaning air vents properly is important, but can be difficult. When you get house cleaning in Calgary, consider asking about vent cleaning services offered, as well. This allows you to ensure that the vents are cleaned properly.

Door, Cabinet, & Picture Frame Tops

When you’re cleaning, don’t forget to check the areas that might be above your head. While we already discussed the ceiling, there are other high areas that regularly get forgotten. The tops of doors and cabinets collect dust that rarely gets taken care of. In fact, you might be surprised how quickly dust and particles collect on the tops of doors, cabinets, and picture frames. Regular dusting is a great way to keep these areas clean and it generally doesn’t take long to do.

Household Plants

Whether you have real or fake household plants, there’s a large chance that you’ve overlooked cleaning them. Many people don’t even realize that they need to be cleaned. However, plants both real and fake can collect a lot of dust. 

The easiest way to clean them is with a quick rinse under the showerhead. For plants that are too large to easily move, wipe them down with a microfiber cloth or disposable duster. Getting the leaves clean of dust and dirt helps live plants grow better and keeps the area looking clean. 

Closet Floors

When was the last time you took a look at the floor in your closet? Can you remember when you last cleaned that floor with the same vigour you clean the other floors in your home? Many people regularly clean out their closet to declutter it but forget to clean the floor. However, this area can be a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and other allergens. Your closet floor can be cleaned in the same way as the floors in the rest of your home – whether by sweeping and mopping or with a vacuum.

Why Hire A Professional For Your Deep Clean

You might wonder why you should get professional house cleaning in Calgary. When considering how clean is your house, it’s a good idea to make sure that you get a good, deep clean done as a starting point. A professional house cleaning service in Calgary can help ensure that the often-forgotten areas aren’t ignored. Not only will your home be noticeably cleaner, but professionals will get into each of the areas that you might forget. 

Working with a professional house cleaner saves you time and energy. It also takes a lot of stress off your shoulders, especially when you want a good deep clean. 

With professional house cleaning services in Calgary, the standards for clean are higher than you might be able to achieve on your own. If you’re looking for the best level of cleaning, give us a call and we’ll be able to help ensure that your home is spotless.

Wrapping Up

At some point, you’ll need to ask, how clean is your house? If your answer is that it’s not as clean as you’d like, it’s time for a deep clean. You might have also realized that you have forgotten to clean some of the areas mentioned previously, as well. Consider house cleaning services in Calgary for your next deep clean or as a regular part of your cleaning routine. From house cleaning to carpet cleaning and more, United Services offers everything you need. We’ll be able to get out the stains, clean and sanitize areas of your home, and get those long-forgotten areas clean as a whistle.